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Azure AD Connect | 5. Azure AD Sync Benutzer erstellen

Autorenbild: Thomas SchmidThomas Schmid

Browserfenster öffnen

Eingabe URL

Fenster "Home | Microsoft 365"

Menü "Admin" >

Fenster "Home - Microsoft 365 admin center"

Menü "Users" >

Menü "Active users" >

Fenster "Active users - Microsoft 365 admin center"

Add a user >

Fenster "Add a user - Set up the basics"

Eingabe First name ADtoAAD

Eingabe Last name SyncUser

Eingabe Display name adazsync365

Auswahl Domains >

[ ] Automatically create a password

Eingabe Password ******************** (Komplexes Passwort generieren und im Passwort Tresor ablegen)

[ ] Require this user to change their password when they first sign in

[ ] Send password in email upon completion

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Fenster "Add a user - Assign product licenses"

Auswahl Select location Switzerland >

[x] Create user without product license (not recommended)

Auswahl Show apps for All licenses >

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Fenster "Add a user - Optional settings"

[x] Admin center access

[x] Global Administrator

Next >

Fenster "Add a user - Review and finish"

Finish adding >

Fenster "Add a user - adazsync365 added to active users"

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